Adventure Tree September 2013


Fall brings more opportunities to spend time in a tree.

How about staying overnight in a tree?

Night Climber

Get out of the city and spend a night quietly swaying in hammocks high in the treetops. Cool fall nights are the perfect time to comfortably snuggle into a hammock and experience the sounds and sights of the night. High in the tree you get a unique view of the night sky, and who knows, maybe you'll glimpse an owl silently swooping through the trees. You are certainly likely to hear one or more. What a nice way to drift off to sleep.

No prior tree climbing experience is necessary as this opportunity includes basic tree climbing skills. You are invited to arrive at the tree hours before nightfall so that you can become familiar with tree climbing and find your favorite spots in the tree. While you enjoy climbing, we will set up your sleeping bag and pillow in your hammock so that when you are ready to retire your cozy nest awaits. After you have explored the tree and are ready to retire then we'll help you get safely installed for the night.

In the morning you will descend to the ground to be greeted by a light breakfast prepared from local fresh foods. A brisk morning hike to explore the property is available for those who want more before you head home. Please contact us if you'd like to find out more.


Monthly Open Climbs


Autumn is a wonderful time to climb a tree. While this summer was unusually cool for St. Louis, there still isn't anything quite like climbing in the crisp coolness of autumn. The first Sunday of each month is our Open Climb. The next is Sunday, Sept. 1 from 2:00 to 5:00 PM at EarthDance Farms. Come out and have some fun. No previous experience is required. Check the website for more info:

School Programs

Young scientist gathering a sample

This November Guy and two science teachers, Bill Henske and Scott McClintock, from Maplewood Richmond Heights Middle School will be presenting at the Association for Experiential Education (AEE) conference on Teaching Academic Content Using Recreational Tree Climbing. Guy has been working with these teachers to integrate tree climbing into their physics, biology and math curriculum using a grand red oak that stands in the back of the school.

We love working with schools and have several in the St Louis area that we have been fortunate to partner with. If you are interested in learning more about our education programs, please contact Guy. If you are without an appropriate tree in your schoolyard, we can arrange for opportunities to use other trees that we have in the St. Louis area.

Adventure Farm Awarded Silver Level for the Audubon Bring Conservation Home Program

Audubon Sign

Deanna with Mitch Leachman from St. Louis Audubon

The St Louis Audubon Society's Bring Conservation Home program encourages and supports St Louis homeowners in creating wildlife habitat in their yards. As part of the program the homeowner receives a lengthy home visit and a comprehensive write up offering recommendations on how to improve their yard to support urban wildlife.

Our personal experience was delightful. We had two wonderful volunteers, Jeanne and Eric, who spent hours at Adventure Farm walking the property, listening to our wishes for the property and where we could use some expertise in making decisions as we contemplate how to replace invasive species with Missouri natives and/or edible plants in some challenging areas.

Approximately four weeks later we received a written document describing what was found on the property and addressing our concerns. We are very proud to have been accepted into the award program at a Silver Level. The documentation we received included what we need to accomplish to move up to the gold level. We are happy to say that there's not a whole lot we will have to change. Maybe we will win GOLD next year, but for now we look forward to showing off our yard sign to all who pass by Adventure Farm.

I'd encourage everyone to check out the following link to learn more about this valuable program:


Adventure Tree is now a Girl Scouts Approved Provider

Helmet needs adjusting

Girl Scouts Rock!!! We've known this for a long time. Both Deanna and Guy are volunteer instructors at Camp Tuckaho for the Girl Scouts' Outdoor Adventure Course, which is a weekend that includes both high and low challenge elements and other confidence and character building events.

We enjoy working with the Girl Scout organization so much that Adventure Tree is now a Girl Scout certified provider of tree climbing programs for troops. If you have a Girl Scout, are a Girl Scout leader or know anyone involved in Girl Scouts, then this might be of interest to you. Adventure Tree can provide an assortment of opportunities that include learning knots, exploring tree biology, learning about the importance of trees and experiencing the excitement of climbing high into a tree. We can also provide fun team building activities. Please contact us to find out more about getting your troop into a tree. We are happy to help earn outdoor badge requirements.

Community College Courses

Both Adventure Tree and Adventure Farm are providing opportunities to learn more about Permaculture and Tree Climbing this fall through St Louis Community College.


Want to know more about Permaculture? Adventure Farm offers a Sustainable Living: Permaculture 101 class at Forest Park Community College this September. Follow this link to find out more.

Trees and Recreational Tree Climbing

Adventure Tree offers a three hour course through the community college. The course begins with some basic tree biology and introduction to tree climbing then you are off and climbing. Classes are offered in September and October. Follow this link to register and find out more.


Still More

Learn The Ropes

For those of you who have been climbing with us for some time now and want a more advanced experience, we offer the Learn the Ropes course where you can learn to climb on your own. Please contact us to get more information on when these courses will be taking place.

Adventure Farm Workshops

Adventure Farm continues to provide community workshops on a variety of topics. Check out our events page or the Meetup group St Louis Permaculture Guild for ongoing community involvement.

Adventure Tree

Adventure Farm

EarthDance Farms

St. Louis Community College
Continuing Education

St. Louis Permaculture Guild
Meetup Group

Midwest Permaculture

Global Organization of Tree Climbers

TREE-ba dachi Climbing Academy

The Grove House

Bring Conservation Home
Audubon Society

Great Rivers Museum

Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri